Welcome to cahier’s documentation!

One-directory-a-day calendar management


I am no longer using this software, so it will not be improved. Feel free to ask questions and to submit bugs anyway, but this will not be my priority.

– Louis


Note that althougt I wrote this program for this particular purpose, I had extensibility in mind. Please read on the usage and configuration sections before deciding that this program does not fit your needs.

As a part of my job as a teacher, I have to log my work on a daily basis (cahier de textes in French, hence the name). To do so, I use IkiWiki. Each entry is stored in a markdown file named YYYYMMDD.mdwn, and each attached document is located in the YYYYMMDD directory. So, after a few days, an ls gives:

$ ls
20130906       20130927.mdwn   20131018b       20131122        20131217.mdwn
20130906.mdwn  20130930.mdwn   20131018b.mdwn  20131122.mdwn   20131218.mdwn
20130909.mdwn  20131001.mdwn   20131104.mdwn   20131125.mdwn   20131220
20130910.mdwn  20131002        20131105        20131126.mdwn   20131220.mdwn
20130911.mdwn  20131002.mdwn   20131105.mdwn   20131127.mdwn   20140107.mdwn
20130913.mdwn  20131004.mdwn   20131106.mdwn   20131129a.mdwn  20140108.mdwn
20130916.mdwn  20131007.mdwn   20131108        20131129b.mdwn  20140110
20130917       20131008        20131108.mdwn   20131202.mdwn   20140110.mdwn
20130917.mdwn  20131008.mdwn   20131112        20131203        20140113.mdwn
20130918       20131009.mdwn   20131112.mdwn   20131203.mdwn   20140114.mdwn
20130918.mdwn  20131011        20131113a.mdwn  20131204.mdwn   20140115
20130920       20131011.mdwn   20131113b.mdwn  20131206.mdwn   20140115.mdwn
20130920.mdwn  20131014.mdwn   20131115        20131209.mdwn   20140117
20130923.mdwn  20131015.mdwn   20131115.mdwn   20131210.mdwn   20140117.mdwn
20130924       20131016        20131118.mdwn   20131211        20140120.mdwn
20130924.mdwn  20131016.mdwn   20131119.mdwn   20131211.mdwn   20140121.mdwn
20130925.mdwn  20131018a       20131120        20131213.mdwn   20140122
20130927       20131018a.mdwn  20131120.mdwn   20131216.mdwn   20140122.mdwn

There are several problems.

  • Command line completion is broken: file names are so close that it is almost useless:

    • typing in the file name to edit it is frustrating;

    • typing in the directory name to create it is frustrating;

    • typing in the directory name to move a file to it is frustrating.

  • When editing the file, I have to fill the date and time of the calendar entry, although this information is contained in the file name, and could be guessed (my timetable does not change from one week to another).

  • I have different classes, with different calendar, and I want the right class to be automatically taken into account.

I wrote this program to automate this task.

Download and install

See the main project page for instructions, and changelog.

Usage and configuration

Base commands

The base commands operate on the right calendar, with the right date.

  • The right calendar is determined using profiles (more information in section Profiles). In this configuration, you can associate several directories to one calendar. For instance, if I associate directory ~/courses/cs with calendar ~/calendars/cs101, a cahier command run in ~/courses/cs (or any of its subdirectories) will consider the associated calendar. This is useful if you have several calendars.

  • The right date is also configured in the profiles. You can register a simplified version of your time table, so that when editing a new entry, its date is calculated using this time table, and the appropriate date and time is filled in the template.

The base commands are (a full list of commands is available in section Full command line options).

  • cahier new Create a new entry, at the right place, with the right date, and start editing it.

  • cahier edit Edit the last created entry.

  • cahier attach Attach a file to the last entry, that is:

    • create the directory if necessary;

    • proprocess files if relevant: for instance, I want command cahier attach foo.tex to compile foo.tex as a pdf, and attach the resulting pdf;

    • copy the files in this directory.

  • cahier cd Start a shell in the calendar directory

  • cahier wiki Arguments to this command are passed to ikiwiki, in the calendar directory. More options are available as well, like cahier refresh which compile the wiki (whatever the working directory is).

  • cahier git Arguments to this command are passed to git, called in the calendar directory.


String formatting

Strings of configuration files are formatted in two ways.

  • They are formatted according to the rules of the configparser module.

  • They are formatted, using the {key} format, with the following values:

    • basename: basename of the edited file (without directory nor extension);

    • configdir: cahier configuration directory;

    • dirname: directory of edited file;

    • filename: like basename, with the extension.

General configuration

General configuration is set in file .cahier/cahier.cfg. Example:

casesensitive: no

editor: screen -t "$EDITOR" sh -c "(cd {dirname} && $EDITOR {filename})"
shell: screen

options: --verbose --no-rcs
fileformat: %%Y%%m%%d
fileformat-length: 8
template: {configdir}/templates/template.mdwn
  • options:

    • casesensitive: Set whether profile names are case sensitive or not.

  • bin:

    • editor: Command to call to edit files.

    • shell: Shell to invoke with cahier cd.

  • wiki:

    • options: Options used when calling ikiwiki.

    • fileformat-length: Length of date in the file names (e.g. if your file names are YYYYMMDD-foo, fileformat-length will be 8; if your file names are MMDD-foo, fileformat-length will be 4).

    • fileformat: Date format of files, as recognized by the datetime.strptime() function.

    • template: Template to use for newly created files.


Profile configuration is set in .cahier/profiles/NAME.cfg. Example:

ikiwiki: ~/prof/1S3/cahier

workdays: monday:08 tuesday:09 wednesday:08 friday:15:30

setup: %(ikiwiki)s/wiki.setup

calendar: %(ikiwiki)s/seances
sources: ~/prof/1S-math ~/prof/1S3
  • DEFAULT: Default values for all sections.

    • ikiwiki: This is an example of a trick taking advantage of string formatting to factorize configuration: the %(ikiwiki)s part in following options are replaced by value of this string.

  • options:

    • workdays: Timetable, with times. This is a space separated list of DAY:HOUR. If this option is set, when editing a new file, the following date corresponding to one of those work days is used as the date. Otherwise, the current date and time is used.

  • config:

    • setup: Path to the IkiWiki setup file.

  • directories:

    • calendar: Path to the directory containing the calendar files.

    • sources: Paths associated to this profile. When calling cahier in one of those directory, the corresponding profile is used.

File plugins

File plugins are configured in files .cahier/ftplugins/EXTENSION.cfg (where EXTENSION is the extension of files impacted by this particular configuration file).

    cmd: pdflatex {basename}
    name: {basename}.pdf
  • preprocess: Commands to preprocess files before attaching them. For instance, with this example, LaTeX files are compiled, and their compiled version is attached to the current date.

    • cmd*: Values of keys starting with cmd are executed before attaching files.

    • name: Name of the file to attach, if different from the base file name.

File templates

Files .cahier/templates/template.foo are used as templates when editing a new file of type foo. Type is the extension of the file.

Template content is formatted as a Python string, with only one variable:

  • date: the date and time of the log of the created file.

Full command line options

Here are the command line options for cahier.

Indices and tables